Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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This is the cry that rang out in the squares of Roccamorice, Campo di Giove, Palena, Pizzoferrato and Ateleta during the 5 stages of the coexistence tour. An initiative by @WWF Italia and Parco della Maiella to promote human-bear coexistence, carried out as part of the LIFE ARCRPOM European project. Games with salt dough, crosswords, quizzes and origami are just some of the activities that have transported adults and children to the world of the Marsican brown bear to learn...

Il Progetto Life ArcProm vede Italia e Grecia a braccetto per favorire la coesistenza tra uomo e orso Venerdì 10 settembre una femmina di orso, di circa sei anni, è stata trovata morta nei pressi di Vrontero, Prespa. La direzione del Parco Nazionale di Prespa, la Società per la Tutela di Prespa e l'Ufficio Forestale di Florina si sono recati in zona insieme al Dipartimento di Veterinaria dell'Unità Regionale di Florina, al Comune di Prespa e alla Ong “Callisto”. Gli esami...

A SETTEMBRE I VOLONTARI DEL WWF ITALIA SARANNO NEL PARCO NAZIONALE DELLA MAIELLA PER IL "TOUR DELLA CONVIVENZA" DEDICATO AGLI ABITANTI DEL TERRITORIO Aumentare la conoscenza e la consapevolezza dei cittadini affinché una popolazione stabile di orso bruno marsicano possa insediarsi, riprodursi e svolgere il suo ruolo ecologico nell’ecosistema: lo sforzo è quello di annullare o minimizzare le minacce antropiche per questa specie chiave della fauna protetta dell’Appennino. E’ questo l’obiettivo del primo Tour della Convivenza - Bentornato orso gentile- che...

The partners of LIFE ARCPROM (LIFE18 NAT / GR / 000768) would like to thank the Board of Directors of the Green Fund, who with decision No. 181.1 / 2020, is going to cover part of the financial obligations of the project. LIFE ARCPROM aims at improving human-bear coexistence in four National Parks of S.Europe, three in Greece and one in Italy. The project started in October 2019 and will last for 5 years. Partners of the project are four National...

For about a month now, a young bear has been moving around and inside the village of Mikro Papigko in the area of ​​the North Pindos National Park. Recently, it has been visiting a home garden to feed on the roots of a particular plant species, without seeming to be disturbed by the presence of residents or of their dog’s. This behaviour of the animal is probably related to its young age and the relative inexperience in terms of anthropogenic...

On January 15th and 16th, at the offices of the Prespa National Park Management Agency, a working meeting of the LIFEARCPROM project "Improving the coexistence of man and bear in 4 National Parks in Southern Europe" was held with success.The meeting was attended by the Greek partners of the LIFE ARCPROM project and specifically the Management Bodies of the three National Parks, Prespa, Rodopi and North Pindos, the Department of Fine and Applied Arts - School of Fine Arts –...