Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei.

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The visitors of the Zootechnia Exhibition in Thessaloniki were informed about the project and the results of the LIFE ARCPROM project through the information stand of the Environmental Organization Callisto. The visitors of the booth were handed out leaflets on prevention and compensation for damages caused by wild animals, as well as on how to deal with poisoned baits and were informed about the LIFE ARCPROM International Conference on 25-27 February in the city of Larissa. ...

In the context of LIFE ARCPROM project “Improving human-bear coexistence in 4 National Parks of South Europe” will be held the Final Conference of the project under the title: Outcomes of the LIFE ARCPROM Project - Advancing Knowledge and Practices for Human-Bear Coexistence. The Conference will take place on February 25-26-27, 2025 at Larissa, GREECE. Conference Programme: LIFE ARCPROM International Conference See the detailed programme of the Conference here Register here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title Outcomes of the LIFE ARCPROM Project - Advancing Knowledge and Practices for Human-Bear Coexistence When...

On Thursday, December 12th 2024, the Maiella National Park and WWF Italy organized a meeting in the frame of Action E3 to favour the replication of the activities developed during the LIFE ARCPROM in other portions of the Apennine brown bear actual and potential range. Protected areas of the Central Apennines, the Regions interested by bear presence and representatives of the LIFE BEAR-SMART CORRIDORS were thus invited to the meeting held at the operational headquarters of MNP in Sulmona. Six other...

A short documentary was created in the framework of the LIFE ARCPROM project, which presents the main objectives of the project, its development and the actions it includes.The documentary was published in Greek and English versions. Duration: 32.52 minutes DIRECTOR IOANNIDIS CHRISTOS VIDEOGRAPHY – EDITING IOANNIDIS CHRISTOS MUSIC VOLLAS THANASIS (LUTE, MANDOLIN) NARRATION JEREMY HASTINGS RECORDING - MIXING - MASTERING ZOUMBAS GIORGOS PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS IOANNIDIS-PLOUTOGLOU PAVLOS IOANNIDOU-PLOUTOGLOU CALLIRHOE...

Who is the Apennine brown bear, what is the strategy for its protection, how many bears are there in the Maiella National Park, what is the WWF's commitment to bear protection and how to best use electric fences to protect themselves from damage. These were the topics of the workshop addressed at the 20 Bear Friendly producers of the Maiella National Park, held on 30 June 2023 and organized by the Park and WWF Italy as part of Action C10...

On 19 December 2022, the Maiella National Park and WWF Italy awarded the Bear Friendly label to 20 companies during an event held at the Park's headquarters in Sulmona. These are 14 beekeepers and 6 farmers that have been awarded for their daily commitment in carrying out actions that help protect the Apennine brown bear: the beekeepers, through the use of electrified fences, protect themselves from damage by preventing onset of human-bear conflict; farmers, through the use of certified organic...

On 5 July, the third meeting of the Stakeholder Platform for coexistence with the Apennine brown bear was held at the Park headquarters in Sulmona. The process, which began in June 2021, saw the active involvement of representatives of the subjects interested by the presence of the bear in the Park: management bodies, surveillance bodies, local administrators, economic subjects (such as beekeepers, truffle-searchers, farmers), tourism organizations, environmental associations, environmental educators. Starting from the analysis of the activities already developed by the Park...

Come riconoscere il passaggio di un orso o sapere cosa preferisce mangiare in estate o in autunno, che fare o non fare in caso di incontro ravvicinato con un orso o perché è così importante proteggere questo mammifero fondamentale per tutto l’ecosistema. Insomma tutte le informazioni su come entrare “a tu per tu” con l’orso bruno marsicano, con un'esperienza virtuale nel suo habitat naturale. Tutto questo è il “Sentiero dell’Orso” realizzato dal Parco Nazionale della Maiella (PNM) e da WWF...

Maiella National Park and WWF Italy reward good practices for the protection of the Apennine brown bear and its habitat. On the European Day of Parks, celebrated on May 24th, MNP and WWF launched the label that rewards beekeepers and farmers who adopt techniques and behaviours aimed at favouring the protection of the Apennine brown bear, the biodiversity and the ecosystem in which this large mammal lives.  Honey, fruit, vegetables produced in Maiella will soon become ambassadors for the protection of the...