Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei.

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One discussion and one walking tour for the European Green Belt and LIFE ARCOROM in Rodopi region (Paranesti, Drama) SEPTEMBER 23: HOSPITALITY SETTLEMENT OF PARANESTI ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION CENTER (“KPE”) Days dedicated to the European Green Belt *10.30 – 12.00: Discussion "Transboundary Regional Park within the Balkan Green Belt in the Rhodope Mountains - Opportunities, Challenges, Necessity" >1) Greetings from the officials and the representatives of local stakeholders >2) Presentation of the European Green Belt Network (GR), CALLISTO, 10' >3) What is the Transboundary Regional Park and...

On 5 July, the third meeting of the Stakeholder Platform for coexistence with the Apennine brown bear was held at the Park headquarters in Sulmona. The process, which began in June 2021, saw the active involvement of representatives of the subjects interested by the presence of the bear in the Park: management bodies, surveillance bodies, local administrators, economic subjects (such as beekeepers, truffle-searchers, farmers), tourism organizations, environmental associations, environmental educators. Starting from the analysis of the activities already developed by the Park...

Come riconoscere il passaggio di un orso o sapere cosa preferisce mangiare in estate o in autunno, che fare o non fare in caso di incontro ravvicinato con un orso o perché è così importante proteggere questo mammifero fondamentale per tutto l’ecosistema. Insomma tutte le informazioni su come entrare “a tu per tu” con l’orso bruno marsicano, con un'esperienza virtuale nel suo habitat naturale. Tutto questo è il “Sentiero dell’Orso” realizzato dal Parco Nazionale della Maiella (PNM) e da WWF...

Maiella National Park and WWF Italy reward good practices for the protection of the Apennine brown bear and its habitat. On the European Day of Parks, celebrated on May 24th, MNP and WWF launched the label that rewards beekeepers and farmers who adopt techniques and behaviours aimed at favouring the protection of the Apennine brown bear, the biodiversity and the ecosystem in which this large mammal lives.  Honey, fruit, vegetables produced in Maiella will soon become ambassadors for the protection of the...

On November 9th 2021 a meeting between the Park, WWF Italy and potential beneficiaries of the Bear Friendly label took place in Caramanico Terme, Maiella National Park, Central Italy. More than 100 potential beneficiaries of the Bear Friendly label among beekeepers and farmers were invited to the meeting and 20 of them participated reporting their opinion and also that of those who could not be present at the meeting. During the event, the LIFE ARCPROM project and the guidelines for granting...

The event, organized with the support of WWF Italy, was attended by 25 stakeholders invited to bring their own contribution for the discussion of the 4 priority themes that emerged during the first meeting held on 30 June 2021. After a first phase of presentation of the ARCPROM Project as well as the results of the first meeting, the participants were divided into 4 thematic tables where expectations, problems and wishes for the future were expressed through the method of...

This is the cry that rang out in the squares of Roccamorice, Campo di Giove, Palena, Pizzoferrato and Ateleta during the 5 stages of the coexistence tour. An initiative by @WWF Italia and Parco della Maiella to promote human-bear coexistence, carried out as part of the LIFE ARCRPOM European project. Games with salt dough, crosswords, quizzes and origami are just some of the activities that have transported adults and children to the world of the Marsican brown bear to learn...

On Friday, September 10th, a female bear, about six years old, was found dead near Vrontero, Prespa, specifically in the "Pyxos" area. The NGO “ARCTUROS” was informed about the incident by a citizen and they directly passed the information to the Management Authority of Prespa National Park, the Society for the Protection of Prespa and the Florina Forestry Office, who rushed to the area together with the Department of Veterinary of the Regional Unit of Florina, the Municipality of Prespa...

IN SEPTEMBER THE WWF ITALIA VOLUNTEERS WILL BE IN THE MAIELLA NATIONAL PARK FOR THE "COEXISTENCE TOUR" DEDICATED TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE TERRITORY WWF volunteers and Maiella National Park together to increase the knowledge and awareness of citizens so that a stable population of Apennine brown bears can settle, reproduce and play its ecological role in the ecosystem: the effort is to cancel or minimize the anthropogenic threats for this key species of the protected fauna of the Apennines. This is...

Coexistence with the Apennine brown bear in the Maiella National Park. This is the topic on which the stakeholders interested by interactions with the bears met yesterday at the Park headquarters in Sulmona, Central Italy. The initiative was carried out in the frame of Action C1 of the LIFE ARCPROM project, a concrete conservation action specifically aimed to promote human-bear coexistence in the Maiella Park and in 3 National Parks in Greece (North Pindo, Prespa and Rodopi). The one held on...